Marketing Your Talent in Entertainment...

Are you:
- an actor;
- a musician;
- a dancer;
- a model, or,
- an entertainer.
Perhaps you're freelance on the technical side of the industry, or, in stage management, and you want to have better utilisation of your network as well as stand out from the crowd?
If the answer is "Yes", then, we're a good fit for each other.
Let's take a look at some of the benefits....
Cost Benefits!
Our Mobile Folios reduce the need for printing materials such as business cards, comp (composite) cards and postcards etc.
You will also eradicate associated costs of:
- Graphic design work to create the look of printed materials;
- Business card / comp card / postcard wastage when photographs, or information, require updating.
Combining our photography and Mobile Folios provides you with a 'state of the art' powerful marketing and networking tool.
Get started promoting your talent for less than the price of a daily cup of coffee.

Extend Your Network and Make It Easier For Decision Makers, Such As Agents & Casting Directors, To See Your Worth!
Our Mobile Folios make it extremely easy to share your promotional material. With the touch of one button on screen, your folio can be shared. The sharing options are:
- Email:
- Text Message:
- Various Social Media.
Whatever the situation, you'll always have your promotional material at your fingertips and have an unlimited sharing capability of your impressive talent presentation.
"It's not what you know, it's who you know"; we've all heard this phrase, right? This is the basis of networking and, because of the sharing capability, our Folios extend this saying even further to: "It's not what you know, it's who you know and who those people know and so on, etc..."
With these referral marketing tools, you'll have the opportunity to take charge of your marketing and extend your network leading to increased opportunities for auditions and bookings.

Professional Projection Of Your Image.
Professional photography can improve, ten-fold, how you'll be perceived by decision makers in your field. So, why not kill two birds with one stone and get some, or all, your photography included with the cost of your Folio?
We believe that you shouldn't take any chances with how others perceive your talent. The best way to minimise that risk is to project a positive, and accurate, image of yourself. Our professional photography combined with our Mobile Folios can do this for you.
Everyone can get a Mobile Folio from us, however, headshot clients do achieve a preferential price each year for this service. This way you maintain a fresh, and current, look for your image. Casting directors, in particular, expect to view current photographs of your image.
Your showreel is another important part of your promotional armoury and we can include this also within the body of your Folio. This means that any potential decision maker presented with your Folio does not have to go searching for this material. It's all in the one place and, believe me, they will appreciate this and are, therefore, more likely to view it.
That said, we can also direct your Folio users to your existing profiles on third party databases, should agents, casting directors or venue promoters prefer to consult this data as well. Cover all the bases and demonstrate how serious you are about getting roles.
Contact Us

Respond Immediately To Agent Requests & Casting Calls.
Your promotional material is already packaged, up to date in your Folio and with you everywhere you go. So, the moment you hear of a desirable opportunity, you, or your agent, can respond in the time it takes to send a text or email.
Being able to respond immediately, and in a professional manner, will set you apart from your competition right from the word "go".
This is a fantastic marketing tool that you, your agents and your networks can utilise too when promoting your talent.

Reduce The Impact of Change...
Throughout your career, and throughout life, changes occur and these changes can have consequential effects upon your career. Such changes could include changing your agent, a change in the band line-up, a change of your target roles, or, even a change of family circumstances.
In the printed world, the impact of such changes is costly due to wastage, re-printing costs and the potential work lost. That's why, with our Mobile Folios in your marketing arsenal, you are best placed to ride any changes, from a marketing perspective, without any concerns that outdated information is still active in your networks.
Rest assured, your Folios will always be as up to date as the information you provide to us.

You're Mobile Friendly Right Out Of The Box!
It's a fact that the vast majority of internet browsing nowadays is performed on mobile devices and all our Folios are mobile friendly right from the start!
Additionally, they exhibit full compatibility with all mobile devices including OS X, iOS, Microsoft Windows and Android, therefore, the hardware choices of your target audience does not influence how you will be viewed.
Our Folios can be added to the home screen of any mobile device to mimic an App icon, except, they do not incur App Store charges and are always up to date!

Send More Traffic To Your Website & Social Media
When we personalise and customise your Folios, we can incorporate Calls to Action (CTA) to drive more traffic to your existing website and social media or any other information sources you wish to provide.

Set Up A Consultation And See Our Folios In Action
This could be the best thing you ever do for your career.